Yes, individual email users can update their passwords within the webmail client. Log into...
Do log files and email count toward my disk space allotment?Yes, your log files and email messages count toward your total disk space.
General Alps HOST Mail Server InformationAlpsHOST provides all customers with access to send and receive internet email using...
How Can I User Gmail as my webmail client and/or SPAM filter?Gmail has a very popular webmail interface -- and a well-respected SPAM filter. You can put...
How do I apply rules to my messages in Outlook?Rules help to keep e-mail organized by automatically performing actions on messages as they...
How do I keep email from Alps HOST out of my Hotmail Junk folder?Hotmail spam filters can filter out email sent from Alps HOSTif the security level is set high....
How do I keep email from Alps HOST out of my Yahoo Bulk Mail folder?Yahoo spam filters can filter out email sent from Alps HOSTif the security level is set high....
How does the autoresponder work?When you receive an incoming email to the autoresponder email address, an automated message that...
How to set up email with Outlook 2002?Follow the steps below to set up Outlook 2002 to retrieve email from our mail server. From the...
How to set up email with Outlook 2003?Follow the steps below to set up Outlook 2003 to retrieve email from our mail...
How to set up email with Outlook Express?Follow the steps below to set up Outlook Express to retrieve email from our mail server....
I get an error 0x800ccc0d or 0x800ccc0f when sending or receiving email in Outlook Express or OutlookSYMPTOMS When you attempt to send or receive email, you see one of the following error messages....
I get this error when trying to download email: Server Response: '+OK 752 octets follow.', Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Error Number: 0x800CCC0FSummaryIt is a known problem with Outlook / Outlook Express that when a malformed message (i.e.,...
I received a bounced message for an email that I did not send. OR I received a complaint from someone saying I sent a virus, but I didn't send the email. What is going on?Internet email messages can be forged. The email sender can set their “From:” header...
Is there a limit to the number of email I can send?Yes, There is a limit on the number of mail you can send from our server using sendmail....
Is there a limit to the size of the attachment that I can send with webmail?No, there is not any limitation on mail attachment size.
Sending mail via Persits.MailSender Sending mail via Persits.MailSenderHere's a complex example of sending an email with SMTP authentication and attachments. <%...
SPAM Blocking FAQsWhat incoming emails do you block?We block emails from known SPAM sources and open relay...
Using Alps HOST Web MailHow to access the web mail interfaceThe URL to access the customer web based email...
What is Catch All account?Setting the email account to be a catch all account will mean that not only will it collect email...
What is Email Forwarding?Email forwarding (also known as Email Alias) allows you to create a unique email account which...
What is Multi-Recipient Addresses (MRA) ?Multi-recipient Addresses (MRAs) are groups of addresses that email is forwarded to when it is...
With my email client, I can receive email but I cannot seem to send email. What can I do?SYMPTOMS When I try send emails I get the error: The connection to the server has failed....